Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Necessity of Artifice


The Chair
What is our fascination with the chair?
What does the chair signify for us and why do these wonderful objects get so much of
our attention ?

The chiar is an object that has its origins in antiquity and was for hundreds of years
an article of State and of dignity.
Not until the 16th century did they become commonly used in everyday living.
Chairs are wonderful objects expressing the fashions of the day as they inhabit our living spaces giving us a feeling of well being, comfort, and roominess, cushioning and embracing us.

Transforming chairs is a fun process whether it be restoring them to their former glory
or giving them a new look.
This beautiful chair was restored using an old gesso recipe with oil glazes on top, to rid of large dents in
the original painted surface.

If you have a chair you would like restored or transformed into something new, you can contact me at the studio on (206) 779-9152.

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